In January 2020, just before the Covid-19 pandemic engulfed the world, my daughter Eva signed me up for a memoir writing class at The Senior Center in Davis. She knew I liked to write. Soon afterwards The Senior Center closed and the memoir class transferred to Zoom, with a new leader, Lorraine Visher. We meet once a week for a lively, 2-hour session. We feel we have become a “family.”
But why am I putting my stories on the web? I wrote them for family and friends in California, the East Coast and Europe. I wrote them originally with the idea that they would be read after I am gone, to remind people of me. But I can’t wait so long. People have told me I am “inspiring.” I think if a Bipolar person can inspire normal people, that is something to be proud of. I feel grateful to be alive at 96.
To my family and friends, I want you to enjoy my stories now, and I would very much like to get feedback—particularly on what you liked most, or helpful suggestions. I hope you enjoy the stories!
I would like to thank everyone involved in creating this website. Thanks to my granddaughter Luiza Silva and to Paul Hersh for building the site, to Eric Risher for video editing, to Susan Coppock for typing (and deciphering my handwriting!), to Parisa Choobak for all that she does to help me every day, and to Pam Johnson for insisting that I read her at least one story on each of her visits. Special thanks to my daughter Eva for inspiring and overseeing the whole process and to Luiza for getting it started. This website is dedicated to them. I am very grateful to all of you.
Life begins at 96!