Welcome to Nancy’s Memoirs!
In January 2020, just before the Covid-19 pandemic engulfed the world, my daughter Eva signed me up for a memoir writing class at The Senior Center in Davis. She knew I liked to write. Soon afterwards The Senior Center closed and the memoir class transferred to Zoom, with a new leader, Lorraine Visher. We meet once a week for a lively, 2-hour session. We feel we have become a “family.”
But why am I putting my stories on the web? I wrote them for family and friends in California, the East Coast and Europe. I wrote them originally with the idea that they would be read after I am gone, to remind people of me. But I can’t wait so long. I just celebrated my 96th birthday. I want my family and friends to enjoy my stories now, and I would very much like to get feedback. I hope you enjoy the stories!